Monday, December 22, 2008

Bitten by the Blogging Bug...

Yes, the day I thought would never come has arrived.  I have decided to write a blog detailing my adventures in sustainability, and the idea here is that by making it public I will have some sort of accountability to myself, and perhaps even get feedback and other ideas.  Today I'm thinking I'll write mostly about food and how it affects us physically and spiritually, in our communities, food security, how it affects the planet, etc., but that might change tomorrow.  Basically I think about food a lot!  If you feel like chiming in, feel free to do so.  (I say this as though I actually have readers!)  And yes, I do realize the irony of sitting at my computer writing a blog whose content touches on the concept of community, but just work with me here!  This will mostly be a place for my thoughts, with the purpose being more to generate some sort of cohesion of ideas rather than a place to generate a community or some other such nonsense...and should a community somehow magically manifest itself, so be it.

So why now?  Well, 2009 is right around the corner!  I'd best prepare myself for a delicious and sustainable year!  Set goals and whatnot!  I think I'm feeling pretty lofty this year: 
-Quit soda.  I've done this before, and I think I'll be okay as long as I have some form of bubbles.  I've asked for a SodaClub thingie for Christmas so we shall see!
-Quit driving.  I did this for a while in the summer and it was fine.  Come January, I begin this adventure again, only this time in the rain!
-And of course, the food!  Basically the aim here is to eat "real" food as often as possible rather than processed junk food.  I made significant in-roads in this area about a year ago but have reached a bit of a plateau with much room to continue to improve, so here we go!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, I am so proud of you :) I want one of those club soda machines too. We drink about a case of club soda a week... bad... but better for us than diet coke.

    I want to make a doggy poop hole in our backyard... to turn it into compost.

    We're swearing off fried foods when we cant verify they dont have trans fat... b/c we never eat transfat except for in restaurants.

    YAY :)
