Time to finally put some of these "resolution" (cringe...r word!) things down more officially! Nothing major, I know myself well enough to know that I'd probably cheat if anything was overly specific--isn't that the opposite of how most people do it? Anyways....
The first 2 I already mentioned:
-Quit soda. So far, so good. I didn't get a SodaClub machine. Some things are just better. (ahem...new Mac!) So I might give myself one for my birthday. For the record, I don't consider flavored mineral water soda. I do consider those fruity flavor things that Safeway makes and displays next to the SODAS to be soda. Duh.
-Quit driving. I'll be honest--not off to a great start here. To be fair, I've been sick since NYE, and hate the idea of taking public transit while ill, and haven't really gone anywhere anyway... Excuses, excuses, right? The idea is to drive as little as possible, by considering before each trip if there is an alternative way to get there. Can I walk, bike, or take PT? I have a sweet bike and rain gear, so this really shouldn't be an issue...We shall see! I've already experienced some of the benefits to myself, and I know that society would just be so much better off! Some lady honked and was screaming at me inside her car the other day because I refused to make a turn into oncoming traffic. Would a person EVER consider screaming at another individual if not for this idea of being inside their own little bubble?? I briefly considered getting out of my car and going to have a little chat with her and kill her with kindness--see if she feels like screaming to a perfectly nice smiling individual who is curious about her anger issues! Haha! But...I was sick, so I'll save that for another day. Sadly, I'm sure it will happen again.
-Food! This is a big one. I have so many ideas! Still, my main resolution (ugh) strategy is to take things day by day, one decision at a time, rather than have major earth-shattering goals. Step one is to waste less of what I buy. I get a produce box every other week from Farm Fresh to You (see link to the right--they are great!), and generally use it all, but sometimes I just don't get around to it. It's really all a matter of planning, and I definitely got worse at this when school started in August. So first I'm going to try to make sure I have time to use what I have and throw less away. Hopefully this way I'll also rely less on crappy pre-prepared things, even if they aren't that crappy. I'd like to make my own bread every now and again as well. My roommates have a breadmaker that gets far too little use for how easy it is, and I also like Irish soda bread--which doesn't even require a breadmaker! (http://www.sodabread.us/Recipes/sodabreadrecipes.htm) It's ridiculously easy, tasty, cheap, and so much better for me! Slow Food USA is an organization that is pretty much about everything I'm into these days, so I'm going to join them as soon as I figure out what chapter I want to be a part of (moving in June). I'm going to quit eating beef altogether, unless it is locally raised, grass fed, and humanely slaughtered. I'm not that into beef anyway aside from a good homemade burger every now and then, so I don't even know when this will come up. I will continue what I've already been doing for much of the last year when it comes to meat--eating so much less of it that my visit home for the holidays left me feeling totally heavy and gross from all the meat. We just don't need that much! When cooking for myself, I've always steered towards a mostly vegetarian diet, mostly for fear I'm going to mess the chicken up or something, so that's fine. Eating out will be interesting--and sandwiches. Oh how I love me a turkey sandwich! But, I'm not cutting them out entirely, just contemplating if I really need to eat a bunch more meat at that given moment in time. Other than that, I just plan to be really choosey about what and where I eat. Is it local? Is it organic? Are the workers treated well?
So yeah, that pretty much sums it up! Any other ideas or suggestions are absolutely welcome! (Again, I say this as though I have readers!)