Thursday, December 6, 2012

Christmas is coming!

WOW!  I blinked and the holidays are upon us!  I've been focusing on spreading the word about Miessence offline and I almost forgot to tell you all about a great product Miessence has especially for the Christmas season: Certified Organic Darling Salt Glow!

Those of us in the USA may think, "Darling Salt Glow, what a 'darling' name for the holidays!" but this product is actually named for an important geographic feature in Miessence's home turf of Australia.  The Murray-Darling Basin contains saline aquifers that have been dormant for thousands of years.  This product is produced using salt harvested from the Murray-Darling Basin, thus reducing massive salinity problems that have arisen over the years.  This problem for Australia's environment and economy cannot be understated, and by purchasing this product you are helping alleviate excess salinity.

So that's the good news...the bad news is that you only have a short time left to order this product, which is in very limited quantities and any others you may plan to give as gifts!  Due to the way the weekends fall this year, you actually need to order by TOMORROW, December 7th, 2012, in order to be guaranteed delivery by Christmas!  Of course, there is the possibility that by ordering later, you'll get your gifts in time, but you know how things go this time of year!  

But there's actually more good news...coming early next year we will see the launch of the Miessence Foundation.  The foundation will focus on environmental causes.  Stay tuned for more details!

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