Well, it's been a minute, hasn't it? Much has happened since my last post. I've moved. Twice. I've gotten a dog. I've been laid off. I've finished my MBA. I've found my dream job, only to have it break my heart. I've also made some discoveries along the way of what it means to ME to have a nourished life, and in the spirit of friendship and goodwill, I'd like to share them with you.
3 cheers for cultured foods! We will soon be discussing such wonders as kombucha, kefir, cultured vegetables, and homemade sodas!
Backyard chickens. You might not think this results in adventures and entertainment, but you would be wrong.
Life lessons as taught by an adorable and sweet-natured though very poorly behaved dog.
Homemade skin care to avoid all the nasty stuff found in most commercial products, and what happens when you take them to warm climates.
So come on in, put up your feet, have a cup of tea, and let's chat.
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