Thursday, August 30, 2012

Life's an adventure...when you work from home!

Lately I've felt a need for adventure in my life.  This primarily takes the form of daydreaming about amazing places to move to and begin a new life, even though I already live in a pretty awesome place--I'm writing this post from an estuary overlook near Jack London Square, with an absolutely stellar view of the Bay right in front of me, and it is 75 degrees and sunny; basically perfect.  But that doesn't seem to matter much.  When the soul seeks adventure, sitting still in a beautiful spot doesn't get you there.  So I dream.  I've pinned a map of Costa Rica to my wall.  I've annoyed my friends and family with imaginary house-hunting in various locales.  I've plotted how I'm going to save enough money to make a big move.

Sunset at Jack London Square

But honestly, this new venture IS an adventure!  I haven't been at it for very long, but I am already finding it incredibly rewarding.  Connecting with all of you, sharing amazing products, feeling like I'm making a difference, learning some new skills, using old skills and/or those learned during business school.  It's fun!

That's not to say it's for everybody.  I happen to have a day job that, although full time, leaves me with enough energy and brain power at the end of the day that I can still be functional on my own time.  It IS work.  There is much to be done, and it's not going to build itself.  Even so, I've found that developing this business is much more adaptable than similar opportunities.  ONEgroup (the parent company of Miessence) is very supportive of representatives building a business entirely on the Internet, which means that folks like me who may have time, but only outside of normal business hours, can still build a business to provide additional income.  There is no requirement or expectation that you hold house parties and harass every single person in your address book to buy something or become representatives themselves.  Not that there's anything wrong with that, if you find that to be your strength and you have the time and resources for it.

It has also been amazingly fun to network with other Miessence representatives.  This group is so helpful and open when it comes to sharing best practices, asking/answering questions, and just being all around supportive.

I'm mentioning all this by way of introduction to my new series about working from home.  Whether you're interested in becoming a Miessence representative or not, I hope you'll find the discussion helpful to you in some way, and come along to join me for this adventure!

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